true true true true
Ripple, and show 'keep reading' as the default. Overridden, and migrated to postFooter. Called as postFooterJumpLink. We don't display labels on the home page. We call super.postShareButtons from the migrated positions. Re-order the thumbnail before the snippet, add 'Keep reading' link.
false #58c6d5 true true #37afc0 false true #757575 TextAndImage #ffffff false 1x1 true true true 3 false #ffffff true false Cap the total number of ads (widgets and inline ads). Filter out the featured post, but only on the homepage.

Clear out style (needs to be a non-empty string) Don't show feed links. Don't show
Ripple, and show 'keep reading' as the default. Overridden, and migrated to postFooter. Called as postFooterJumpLink. We don't display labels on the home page.
We call super.postShareButtons from the migrated positions.

Don't show 3 true true LAST_YEAR Default the title to 'Popular posts from this blog'.
Ripple, and show 'keep reading' as the default. Overridden, and migrated to postFooter. Called as postFooterJumpLink. We don't display labels on the home page. We call super.postShareButtons from the migrated positions. Add a 'keep reading' link to the item-content.